Negative Setbacks of AI Assisted Court Reporting

Negative Setbacks of AI Assisted Court Reporting

Negative Setbacks of AI Assisted Court Reporting Over the past few years, court proceedings and the accompanying court reporting services have experienced a dramatic shift in methods, participation, and technology. Because of COVID, courts, like other venues of public...
Legal Technology Trends Making an Impact in 2022

Legal Technology Trends Making an Impact in 2022

Legal Technology Trends Making an Impact in 2022 Business challenges brought on by the pandemic helped advance technological trends. This advancement is no less apparent in the legal industry as in any other — maybe even more. Forbes reported in March 2020 that...
Realtime Reporting with DepoSpan Providers

Realtime Reporting with DepoSpan Providers

Realtime Reporting with DepoSpan Providers Four types of evidence can be presented in court: real evidence, demonstrative evidence, documentary evidence, and testimonial evidence. Of these four types of evidence, only the last, testimonial evidence, cannot be seen,...
Cyber security and how it relates to court reporting.

Cyber security and how it relates to court reporting.

Cyber security and how it relates to court reporting. Cyber security is at the forefront of many discussions these days. It is an essential consideration for court reporter services and court reporters whether they are conducting court depositions in a client’s...
Tips for a Great Remote Deposition

Tips for a Great Remote Deposition

Tips for a Great Remote Deposition Conducting remote court depositions lends flexibility to the process for all involved, which translates into cost savings for the parties. Costs like travel, food, court reporter services, and office services are significantly...
Out of State Court Reporting & Quality Control

Out of State Court Reporting & Quality Control

Out of State Court Reporting & Quality Control When you need an out-of-state court reporter, you want the same quality, promptness, and consistency that you receive from your local provider. Sometimes, though, the out-of-state court reporting agencies you hire...
The Importance of Legal Videography in Today’s World

The Importance of Legal Videography in Today’s World

The Importance of Legal Videography in Today’s World Remote communication has been at the forefront of the technology world the last few years. During the pandemic, many businesses and law firms had to quickly shift gears to remain productive and effective. For...
Zoom Videography & Legal Depositions

Zoom Videography & Legal Depositions

Zoom Videography & Court Depositions Court reporters are vital to the legal world. They have an essential job in the courtroom — sometimes the essential job. Without them, there is no record of what happened in the trial. The accuracy of their work persists...